STECAGrid500 (1)

(Every 5 minutes this page is automatically reloaded.)

Energy and Power


  Today Yesterday This Month Last Month This Year Last Year Lifetime
Energy production 0.287 kWh 0.078 kWh 0.578 kWh 9.592 kWh 57.396 kWh 40.457 kWh 2459.307 kWh
CO2 reduction 0.1 kg 0.0 kg 0.3 kg 4.3 kg 25.8 kg 18.2 kg 1106.7 kg
Money saving € 0.07 € 0.02 € 0.14 € 2.23 € 13.47 € 9.43 € 590.94
Outputdata of yesterday not available. Production of yesterday is calculated with status output.

System Status:

  State Time Received Additional Info
System Status Ok 5 minutes ago. (22-10-2024 17:20:00)  
System Output missing output More then 12 days ago. (10-10-2024) Output data is normally send at the end of the day or next day around noon